Escola 'nas alturas' é berço de corredores do Quênia

Conheça instituição que treina jovens atletas em montanha de país africano. Acompanhe a reportagem em inglês.

Por BBC Brasil

Script Presenter Hi I'm Natalie and welcome to Talking Sport. Today we're hearing about why Kenyan runners are so successful and we are learning the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Kenya is known for having excellent long distance runners, two of which are Linet and Moses Masai. Today we go to their school in Kenya to find out why the place they grew up in has helped them win competitions. Listen for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Listen again for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Did you hear the word 'altitude'? On screen altitude altitude Presenter "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air ..." We heard the word 'resilient'. On screen resilient resistente Presenter ... in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them that added advantage Well we have heard that due to the high altitude of where the school is, the children become extra resilient meaning they can run faster at lower altitudes. Now, let's hear from some people in London. Listen to them using the word 'resilient'. Vox pops You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. On screen You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. Presenter I'm Natalie and that's all from Talking Sport. See you next time. Make In the video we heard the word 'make': "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe..." Make has many different meanings: Make can mean to produce something. E.g. I want to make a sandwich for my lunch today. Make can mean to cause something. E.g. My husband always makes such a mess in the house. Make can mean perform an action. E.g. Remind me to make that phone call to the dentist. Make can mean to force someone do to something. E.g. You shouldn't make him play football if he doesn't want to. Make can mean the total of something. E.g. If you add 5 and 6 together it makes 11. Advantage/Disadvantage In the video we heard the word 'advantage'. "... giving them the added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude." Advantage means that something or a situation gives you a greater chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. His speed on the pitch gives him a big advantage over other footballers. Disadvantage means the opposite to advantage - something or a situation gives you a lower chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is that it takes me a long time to get to work in the city. Now complete the sentences below with advantage or disadvantage. 1. One ________________ of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an ________________ when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The ________________ of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The ________________ of living in London is that it is very expensive. Answers Advantage / disadvantage 1. One advantage of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an advantage when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The advantage of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The disadvantage of living in London is that it is very expensive. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

Script Presenter Hi I'm Natalie and welcome to Talking Sport. Today we're hearing about why Kenyan runners are so successful and we are learning the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Kenya is known for having excellent long distance runners, two of which are Linet and Moses Masai. Today we go to their school in Kenya to find out why the place they grew up in has helped them win competitions. Listen for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Listen again for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Did you hear the word 'altitude'? On screen altitude altitude Presenter "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air ..." We heard the word 'resilient'. On screen resilient resistente Presenter ... in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them that added advantage Well we have heard that due to the high altitude of where the school is, the children become extra resilient meaning they can run faster at lower altitudes. Now, let's hear from some people in London. Listen to them using the word 'resilient'. Vox pops You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. On screen You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. Presenter I'm Natalie and that's all from Talking Sport. See you next time. Make In the video we heard the word 'make': "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe..." Make has many different meanings: Make can mean to produce something. E.g. I want to make a sandwich for my lunch today. Make can mean to cause something. E.g. My husband always makes such a mess in the house. Make can mean perform an action. E.g. Remind me to make that phone call to the dentist. Make can mean to force someone do to something. E.g. You shouldn't make him play football if he doesn't want to. Make can mean the total of something. E.g. If you add 5 and 6 together it makes 11. Advantage/Disadvantage In the video we heard the word 'advantage'. "... giving them the added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude." Advantage means that something or a situation gives you a greater chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. His speed on the pitch gives him a big advantage over other footballers. Disadvantage means the opposite to advantage - something or a situation gives you a lower chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is that it takes me a long time to get to work in the city. Now complete the sentences below with advantage or disadvantage. 1. One ________________ of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an ________________ when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The ________________ of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The ________________ of living in London is that it is very expensive. Answers Advantage / disadvantage 1. One advantage of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an advantage when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The advantage of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The disadvantage of living in London is that it is very expensive. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

Script Presenter Hi I'm Natalie and welcome to Talking Sport. Today we're hearing about why Kenyan runners are so successful and we are learning the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Kenya is known for having excellent long distance runners, two of which are Linet and Moses Masai. Today we go to their school in Kenya to find out why the place they grew up in has helped them win competitions. Listen for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Listen again for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Did you hear the word 'altitude'? On screen altitude altitude Presenter "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air ..." We heard the word 'resilient'. On screen resilient resistente Presenter ... in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them that added advantage Well we have heard that due to the high altitude of where the school is, the children become extra resilient meaning they can run faster at lower altitudes. Now, let's hear from some people in London. Listen to them using the word 'resilient'. Vox pops You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. On screen You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. Presenter I'm Natalie and that's all from Talking Sport. See you next time. Make In the video we heard the word 'make': "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe..." Make has many different meanings: Make can mean to produce something. E.g. I want to make a sandwich for my lunch today. Make can mean to cause something. E.g. My husband always makes such a mess in the house. Make can mean perform an action. E.g. Remind me to make that phone call to the dentist. Make can mean to force someone do to something. E.g. You shouldn't make him play football if he doesn't want to. Make can mean the total of something. E.g. If you add 5 and 6 together it makes 11. Advantage/Disadvantage In the video we heard the word 'advantage'. "... giving them the added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude." Advantage means that something or a situation gives you a greater chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. His speed on the pitch gives him a big advantage over other footballers. Disadvantage means the opposite to advantage - something or a situation gives you a lower chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is that it takes me a long time to get to work in the city. Now complete the sentences below with advantage or disadvantage. 1. One ________________ of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an ________________ when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The ________________ of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The ________________ of living in London is that it is very expensive. Answers Advantage / disadvantage 1. One advantage of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an advantage when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The advantage of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The disadvantage of living in London is that it is very expensive. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

Script Presenter Hi I'm Natalie and welcome to Talking Sport. Today we're hearing about why Kenyan runners are so successful and we are learning the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Kenya is known for having excellent long distance runners, two of which are Linet and Moses Masai. Today we go to their school in Kenya to find out why the place they grew up in has helped them win competitions. Listen for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Listen again for the words 'altitude' and 'resilient'. Clip Linet and Moses went to school here - Bishop Okiring Secondary. It's a sporty school high up in the foothills of Mount Elgon. The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe and harder to run. But because these kids are used to training in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them an added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude. Presenter Did you hear the word 'altitude'? On screen altitude altitude Presenter "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air ..." We heard the word 'resilient'. On screen resilient resistente Presenter ... in these conditions they become extra resilient, giving them that added advantage Well we have heard that due to the high altitude of where the school is, the children become extra resilient meaning they can run faster at lower altitudes. Now, let's hear from some people in London. Listen to them using the word 'resilient'. Vox pops You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. On screen You need to be resilient when looking for a job because you may get many rejections. I think I am a very resilient person. I think taking vitamins in winter can help make your body resilient to colds. Presenter I'm Natalie and that's all from Talking Sport. See you next time. Make In the video we heard the word 'make': "The high altitude means there's less oxygen in the air, which makes it harder to breathe..." Make has many different meanings: Make can mean to produce something. E.g. I want to make a sandwich for my lunch today. Make can mean to cause something. E.g. My husband always makes such a mess in the house. Make can mean perform an action. E.g. Remind me to make that phone call to the dentist. Make can mean to force someone do to something. E.g. You shouldn't make him play football if he doesn't want to. Make can mean the total of something. E.g. If you add 5 and 6 together it makes 11. Advantage/Disadvantage In the video we heard the word 'advantage'. "... giving them the added advantage when they race against others at lower altitude." Advantage means that something or a situation gives you a greater chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. His speed on the pitch gives him a big advantage over other footballers. Disadvantage means the opposite to advantage - something or a situation gives you a lower chance of a favourable or desirable result. E.g. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is that it takes me a long time to get to work in the city. Now complete the sentences below with advantage or disadvantage. 1. One ________________ of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an ________________ when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The ________________ of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The ________________ of living in London is that it is very expensive. Answers Advantage / disadvantage 1. One advantage of living in the countryside is that it can be quieter than living in the city, which I prefer. 2. He is very tall and I think it gives him an advantage when he is playing basketball as he can score points easier. 3. The advantage of booking flights earlier is that you can usually get them at a better price. 4. The disadvantage of living in London is that it is very expensive. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

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